Here are a list of commonly asked questions. If you don't see your question answered here, contact
Northwest Missouri State University has adopted internal grievance procedures providing for prompt and equitable resolution for students with disabilities about services and/or eligibility for services.
The first procedure is the ADA Grievance Procedure that addresses complaints regarding the student’s eligibility for services and/or the Accommodation Plan developed for the student.
The second procedure is the Accessibility & Accommodations Grievance Procedure that addresses specific complaints about the services and/or implementation of services by the Accessibility & Accommodations staff or the Office of Title IX & Equity.
Students must self-disclose the need for an accommodation, view the process and forms to request accommodation.
A diagnosed disability is a condition that substantially limits "major life activity," such as walking, hearing, seeing, speaking, breathing, or learning. ADA laws protect:
If you have a disability that you think would qualify for a living or learning accommodation, please complete the accommodation application and provide supporting medical documentation, or contact
Title IX and Equity, Accessibility and Accommodations provides a range of reasonable accommodations, including, but not limited to:
Students with approved accommodations are eligible for early registration.
We have created a map to see ADA and accessibility points of interest on campus.
Our student resources page has information regarding transitioning to college.
Temporary impairments are generally not regarded as disabilities, but conditions such as broken bones, short-term illnesses and recovery from surgery or medical conditions can impact a student’s academic progress.
The Office of Title IX & Equity can provide temporary services to assist students in their academic work. An appointment may be set up with one of the professional staff members to coordinate and arrange the services that are needed. Documentation of the medical condition may be necessary to arrange services.
If the temporary condition involves mobility issues (e.g. use of walker or crutches), Northwest Missouri State University does not provide personal shuttle services to and from classes. For more information, contact us at 660-562-1873.